Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Dragon Quest II: Prince of Lauresia.

Big slug

Nueva Ilustración de Dragon Quest II: Los dioses de los espíritus del mal1.

El príncipe de Centumbría2 inicia su aventura. Después de que luchó contra varios limos3, una babosa gigante4 aparece...

Al príncipe no le gustan los cambios de tamaño de los monstruos en las nuevas versiones de DQM5.

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Nouvelle Ilustration de Dragon Quest II: Les dieux des esprits du mal1.

Le prince de Médievande2 commence son aventure. Après il s'est battu contre des gluants3, une limace géante4 apparaît...

Le prince n'aime pas les modifications de taille des monstres dans les nouveaux versions de DQM5.

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New Illustration from Dragon Quest II: Luminaries of the legendary line1|6.

The prince of Midenhall2 starts his adventure. After he fights against some slimes3, a big slug4 appears...

The prince dislikes the monster size changes from the new versions of DQM5.

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  1. ^ a b c Dragon Quest II: Akuryô no Kamigami | Doragon Kuesuto Tsû Akuryô no Kamigami | ドラゴンクエストII 悪霊の神々 (ドラゴンクエストツー あくりょうのかみがみ)。
  2. ^ a b c Lauresia no Ouji | Rôreshia no Ouji | ローレシアの王子 (ローレシアのおうじ)。
  3. ^ a b c Slime | Suraimu | スライム。
  4. ^ a b c Oo Namekuji | おおなめくじ。
  5. ^ a b c Dragon Quest Monsters | Doragon Kuesuto Monsutâzu | ドラゴンクエストモンスターズ。
  6. ^ Literal translation: Pantheon of evil spirits.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Marvel Comics: New Mutants, X-Terminators and Ship (and the Submariner).


Nueva Ilustración de los Nuevos Mutantes y los X-Terminadores.

Los Nuevos Mutantes van a la playa y quieren jugar con Illyana. Nave les sugiere disfrazarse de personajes de Disney.

Julio Esteban Richter (Rictor), de México, es Pancho Pistolas.

Roberto da Costa (Mancha Solar), de Brasil, es José Carioca.

Rusty Collins, de los Estados Unidos, es el Pato Donald.

Sam Guthrie (Bola de Cañón), también de los Estados Unidos, es Mickey Mouse.

Warlock, del espacio exterior, es Stitch.

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Nouvelle Illustration des Nouveaux Mutants et les X-Terminateurs.

Les Nouveaux Mutants vont à la plage et ils veulent jouer avec Illyana. Vaisseau leur suggère de se déguiser en personnages de Disney.

Julio Esteban Richter (Rictor), du Mexique, est Panchito Pistoles.

Roberto da Costa (Solar), du Brésil, est José Carioca.

Rusty Collins, des États-Unis, est Donald Duck.

Sam Guthrie (Rocket), aussi des États-Unis, est Mickey Mouse.

Warlock, de l'espace extérieur, est Stitch.

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New Illustration from the New Mutants and the X-Terminators.

The New Mutants go to the beach and they want to play with Illyana. Ship suggests them to dress as Disney characters.

Julio Esteban Richter (Rictor), from Mexico, is Panchito Pistoles.

Roberto da Costa (Sunspot), from Brazil, is José Carioca.

Rusty Collins, from the United States, is Donald Duck.

Sam Guthrie (Cannonball), also from the United States, is Mickey Mouse.

Warlock, from outer space, is Stitch.

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Thursday, June 19, 2014

Marvel Comics: Cypher and Captain Britain.

Am I really strong?

Ilustración de los Nuevos Mutantes.

Doug Ramsey (Cifra) cree ser el más insignificante de los Nuevos Mutantes. Aun así, al ser el encargado de rescatar a todos sus compañeros cuando Mojo y Espiral los atrapan, Doug logra hacer que Brian Braddock (Capitán Britania) recupere la confianza en sí mismo después de haber sido derrotado y reducido a una edad pre-adolescente.

Brian después le muestra a Doug que él es una parte importante de los Nuevos Mutantes, pues fueron su valor y determinación los que salvaron el día.

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Illustration des Nouveaux Mutants.

Doug Ramsey (Cypher) pense qu'il est le membre le plus insignifiant des Nouveaux Mutants. De toute façon, en etant responsable de libérer ses coéquipiers quand ils sont capturés par Mojo est Spirale, Doug réussit à faire Brian Braddock (Capitaine Britain) récupérer sa confiance en soi après avoir été vaincu et transformé en un jeune garçon.

Ensuite, Brian lui montre que'il est une partie importante des Nouveaux Mutants, car c'était son courage et détermination qui ont sauvé le jour.

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Illustration from the New Mutants.

Doug Ramsey (Cypher) thinks he is the most insignificant member of the New Mutants. Even so, when he is in charge of rescuing his teammates, who were captured by Mojo and Spiral, Doug manages to make Brian Braddock (Captain Britain) regain his confidence in himself after he was defeated and reverted to a pre-adolescent age.

Brian later shows Doug that he is a very important part of the New Mutants, since his courage and determination saved the day.

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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Marvel Comics: New Mutants, X-Terminators and Ship.

New Mutants in the sea

New Mutants
Tabitha SmithBoom Boom
Big Bang
Julio Esteban RichterRictor
Rahne SinclairWolfsbane
Loba Venenosa
Illyana Rasputina
Roberto da CostaSunspot
Mancha Solar
Rusty Collins
Sally BlevinsSkids
Sam GuthrieCannonball
Bala de Cañón
Dani MoonstarMirage

Ilustración de los Nuevos Mutantes.

Nave lleva a los Nuevos Mutantes a tomar un merecido descanso en el mar.

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Illustration des Nouveaux Mutants.

Vaisseau emmène les Nouveaux Mutants a la mer pour se reposer.

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Illustration from the New Mutants.

Ship takes the New Mutants to the sea for a well deserved R&R.

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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Marvel Comics: Power Pack.

Pack attack

Nueva Ilustración de Power Pack.

Power Pack son Destructor (Alex Power), Molécula, Ama de la Densidad (Julie Power), Contrapeso (Jack Power), Rayo Estelar (Katie Power) y Cuentacuentos (Franklin Richards).

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Nouvelle Illustration de Puissance 4.

Puissance 4 son Destructeur (Alex Power), Molécula, Maîtresse de la Densité (Julie Power), Contrepoids (Jack Power), Étoile-Filante (Katie Power) et Fanfaron (Franklin Richards).

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New Illustration from Power Pack.

Power Pack are Destroyer (Alex Power), Molecula, Mistress of Density (Julie Power), Counterweight (Jack Power), Starstreak (Katie Power) and Tattletale (Franklin Richards).

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Friday, June 13, 2014

Disney's High School Musical: Troy Bolton and coach Bolton.

Bolton Fathers Day

Nueva Ilustración de High School Musical.

Troy Bolton con su papá, Jack Bolton.

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Nouvelle Illustration de High School Musical.

Troy Bolton avec son père, Jack Bolton.

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New Illustration from High School Musical.

Troy Bolton with his dad, Jack Bolton.

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  • Troy Bolton: Zac Efron.
  • Jack Bolton: Bart Johnson.


Wednesday, June 11, 2014

DC Comics: Inertia and the Flash.

State of rest

Nueva Ilustración de Flash.

Inercia (Thaddeus Thawne), lleno de envidia hacia su "hermano" Bart Allen (Impulso, Chico Flash, Flash), utilizó a los Renegados para matar a Bart.

Wally West (Flash) se ha enterado de esto, y va a hacer que Inercia pague por su crimen.

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Nouvelle Illustration de Flash.

Inertia (Thaddeus Thawne), plein de jalousie pour son "frère" Bart Allen (Impulse, Kid Flash, Flash), a utilisé les Lascars pour tuer Bart.

Wally West (Flash) a appris ça, et il va faire Inertia payer pour son crime.

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New Illustration from the Flash.

Inertia (Thaddeus Thawne), full of envy towards his "brother" Bart Allen (Impulse, Kid Flash, Flash), used the Rogues to kill Bart.

Wally West (Flash) has heard of this, and will make Inertia pay for his crime.

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Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Marvel Comics: Sunspot and Gosamyr.

Gosamyr and Roberto, chained

Ilustración de los Nuevos Mutantes.

Roberto da Costa (Mancha Solar) cree que cualquier mujer cae rendida a sus pies.

Gosamyr le muestra quién manda en verdad.

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Illustration des Nouveaux Mutants.

Roberto da Costa (Solar) pense que toutes les femmes sont folles de lui.

Gosamyr lui montre qui est-ce qui commande.

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Illustration from the New Mutants.

Roberto da Costa (Sunspot) thinks any women would fall at his feet.

Gosamyr shows him who is really on top.

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Savage Garden - Chained to you.

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Chained to you.

We were standing all alone, you were leaning in to speak to me
acting like a mover shaker, dancing to Madonna then you kissed me.
And I think about it all the time,
sweet temptation rush all over me.
And I think about it all the time,
passion, desire so intense I can't take anymore because
I feel the magic all around you,
it's bringing me to my knees,
like a wannabe
I've got to be chained to you.

And when you looked into my eyes, felt a sudden sense of urgency,
fascination casts a spell and you became more than just a mystery.
And I think about you all the time,
is this fate, is it my destiny
that I think about you all the time?
I no longer pretend to have my hands on the wheel because
I feel the magic all around you,
it's bringing me to my knees,
like a wannabe
I've got to be chained to you.

I feel the magic all around you,
it's bringing me to my knees,
like a wannabe
I've got to be chained to you.

And I think about you all the time,
and I think about it all the time,
tell me it's madness, I barely know you;
we were standing all alone, you were leaning
in to speak to me Ten steps back you're still a mystery,
acting like a mover shaker, dancing to Madonna then you kissed me,
I can't take anymore because
I feel the magic all around you,
it's bringing me to my knees,
like a wannabe
I've got to be chained to you.

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